Friday, June 29, 2012

video tutorial-kinetic theory........

  1. Physics Kinetic Theory part 1 (Introduction)
  2. Physics Kinetic Theory part 2 (Molecular Nature of Matter)
  3. Physics Kinetic Theory part 3 (Dalton Atomic Theory)
  4. Physics Kinetic Theory part 4 (Molecular Structure)
  5. Physics Kinetic Theory part 5 (Behaviour Of gas)
  6. Physics Kinetic Theory part 6 (Avogardo Hypothesis)
  7. Physics Kinetic Theory part 7 (Perfect gas Equation)
  8. Physics Kinetic Theory part 8 (Real and ideal gas)
  9. Physics Kinetic Theory part 9 (Boyles and Charles law)
  10. Physics Kinetic Theory part 10 (Daltons Law of partial pressure )
  11. Physics Kinetic Theory part 11 (Examples)
  12. Physics Kinetic Theory part 12 (Examples)
  13. Physics Kinetic Theory part 13 (Kinetic Theory of Ideal gas)
  14. Physics Kinetic Theory part 14 (Pressure of Ideal gas - Kinetic Theory)
  15. Physics Kinetic Theory part 15 (Kinetic Theory-Justifying assumptions)
  16. Physics Kinetic Theory part 16 (Kinetic Interpretation of Temperature)
  17. Physics Kinetic Theory part 17 (Kinetic Theory consistent with Ideal gas...
  18. Physics Kinetic Theory part 18 (Example)
  19. Physics Kinetic Theory part 19 (Intro Law of Equipartition of Energy)
  20. Physics Kinetic Theory part 20 (Translation degree of Freedom)
  21. Physics Kinetic Theory part 21 (Rotation degree of Freedom)
  22. Physics Kinetic Theory part 22 (Vibrational degree of Freedom)
  23. Physics Kinetic Theory part 23 (Law of Equipartition of Energy)
  24. Physics Kinetic Theory part 24 (Specific Heat Capacity Mono atomic gas)
  25. Physics Kinetic Theory part 25 (Specific Heat Capacity dia-atomic gas)
  26. Physics Kinetic Theory part 26 (Specific Heat Capacity Polyatomic gas)
  27. physics Kinetic Theory part 27 (Specific Heat Capacity Solid)
  28. Physics Kinetic Theory part 28 (Specific Heat Capacity Water) 
  29. Physics Kinetic Theory part 29 (Mean free path)
  30. Physics Kinetic Theory part 30 (Examples)         

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